
New Author website for Peter Besson

New Author website for Peter Besson

Peter Besson is an author based in Los Angeles. He is also an award-winning filmmaker and trailer editor for Universal Pictures. His debut novel is a dark dystopian love story with varying shades of black humour. Set in a not too distant future in a disturbingly almost-plausible society, The Last Checkout charts a love affair that begins at the most inconvenient of times.

The Peter Besson author website is powered by the latest version of Expression Engine and features and author blog, customised embedded Twitter feed, mailing list and contact form. The site is fully responsive and runs on secure SSL and superfast SSD-powered hosting.

If there ever was a bad time to fall in love, dangling by the neck from a rope tied to a chandelier would be it, but love just doesn’t care... 

By the year 2031, global warming cooks the planet, endless wars sweep the globe and pollution tries to finish everybody off. Science has declared re-incarnation a fact and legally sanctioned death houses have sprouted up like mushrooms in overcrowded cities. Those so-called ‘Last Resorts’ provide the paying guest with the tools and the know-how for a successful exit from life—with one simple rule: once checked in, the check-out is feet-first only.

Nobody leaves a ‘Last Resort’ alive.

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